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The Unnatural Cook

a chronicle of weekly meal plans from someone who can't just throw a meal together

Tag Archives: Spinach

Eaaasy. Scrambled eggs (I mixed the leftover spinach in mine) and one of the kids’ favorite sausages Aidells Chicken Apple, but in nifty little links. The kids helped by getting the toast, fruit and their own vegetables ready while I did the eggs. I try to do something that doesn’t take much thought on meal planning day and this did the trick. Plus I’ve never put spinach in my scrambled eggs before and it made me feel virtuous.

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My experiments with vegetables continue. I was able to make a two vegetable meal because the main course was so easy. Two ingredients: ribs & bbq sauce. The country rib recipe came from my friend Judy via Real Simple. She follows the technique but substitutes Bone Suckin’ BBQ sauce instead of making her own which is just what I did. The ribs go from the crockpot to the broiler and can be served whole or pulled apart with two forks to make pulled pork sandwiches.

As sides I made spinach and garlic and oven roasted sweet potato fries. The fries were an experiment in natural cookdom. I tried to recreate a dish we used to get at a restaurant called Beso. I spiced them with chili powder, cinnamon, cumin and salt. They would have been delicious had I been paying more attention while I was cooking them. By coincidence Judy of Judy’s Ribs was visiting and I was so busy talking I missed the fact that they were burning. Enough were salvaged to declare them a hit and next time I’m going to try and add a bit of cayenne. I sort of winged the spinach too, remembering my husband’s technique: Saute copious amounts of garlic in olive oil. Add spinach. Stir for a bit. Add chicken stock and salt. Cover pan and cook for a couple of minutes. Uncover pan and cook for a couple of minutes more. Now it’s a matter of doing the dishes so I can make tonight’s dinner!

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